I love my iPhone! I hate a low battery! It doesn't matter if your leave your home with your smart device fully charged, it never fails that at some point during the day, it will display the low battery warning. It sucks, but I have a solution for you. Check out these helpful methods for quick charging your smartphone and tablet.
1. Use a wall socket over a USB port. While connecting your smartphone to your laptop via a USB cable is maybe the most convenient way to recharge, it doesn't provide as quick a charge as the traditional outlet cable. This is because USB ports usually only charge at 0.5 amps, so it's going to take twice the time to charge your phone than the 1 amp power adapter it came with.
2. Invest in a high-powered charger. Did you know the iPad comes with a 2.1 amp charger? You can use it to charge your iPhone to get a quick charge. If you have other devices, you can purchase Qualcomm's Quick Charge 2.0 to rapidly charge your devices.
3. Don't leave home without a battery pack. Invest in a portable battery pack and bringing it up to a full charge before leaving the house. Then, keep it around for when you need that extra boost in a device.
4. Put your phone in airplane mode. Next time you're charging your smartphone, be sure to put it in airplane mode beforehand. You may not be able to receive text messages or calls while it's on, but guess what-you shouldn't be checking your smartphone while it's charging anyway, as doing so also drains power. Needless to say, powering your phone down completely before charging is even better.
5. Keep it cool. Heat is tough on your smartphone and tablet. Give it a break by removing the case and finding a cool place (out of direct sunlight on in hot spaces, like the car) when you're charging it.
What methods do you use to charge your smartphones and tablet? I'd like to know. Drop me a line and share with me.
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